
It prompts the respondent to enter a number to each option and adds up to a total.

  • Maximum Value of Total: set the upper limit of the sum
  • Minimum Value of Total: set the lower limit of the sum
  • Display Total: creation of a “Total” field beneath all the options, it can be used to show the sums of all options
  • Label of Total: the wordings for the “Total” field
  • Auto Update Total: the sum in the “Total” field is updated automatically
  • Change of Total is disallowed: the number in “Total” field cannot be changed manually
  • Allow non-numeric: any alphanumeric character is allowed, like N/A
  • Prefix: unit of answer in front of the number, like $, USD, etc
  • Suffix: unit of answer behind the number, like %, pcs, etc

For other features, please refer to the Overview section.