The concept of Condition Engine is pioneered by and unique to surveyDNA. The following are the purpose of Condition Engine:
- To replace branching – instead of breaking down question flow into pages and jumping back and forth, condition engine allows questions to be shown/hidden depending on one or more options respondent selects.
- To increase the validity rate of submission – since conditioned questions will be displayed only when a valid option is selected, that means respondents can only continue and submit the form if they answer possible answers.
- To enable non-technical users to create complicate logic flows that was previously possible only with custom programmed forms.
In surveyDNA, the condition can be programmed by:
- Condition parameters: Condition parameters can be set as i) option; ii) variable; iii) range of numbers; or iv) Counter of an option. You can determine a question/option to be displayed or not based on one or a series of nested criteria.
- Pagebreak Conditions: While condition parameters sets condition by individual nested criteria, pagebreak condition can determine one or more question(s)/option(s) of the following page based on the current page’s options selected by the respondent.